Green Goddess Juice Recipe: My Favorite Green Juice

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“When we juice fruits and vegetables in a juicer (not a blender, which mixes instead of extracts) we separate the fiber from the critical energy of the plant, which is its live enzymes, chlorophyll, and organic water. Remove the fiber and you remove the need to break down the juice; the liquid light energy goes straight into our blood stream like an intravenous injection.”

– Health expert Natalia Rose


  • 2 Brunches of Kale or One Large Bag of Kale
  • 2 Large Cucumbers or 4-5 Mini Cucumbers
  • 5-6 Green Apples
  • 2 Ginger Knobs (Ginger “fingers” – the small pieces of the ginger root)
  • 1 Key Lime
  • 1 Bunch of Celery or if Celery Bunch is Large, use 4 Celery Stalks (Don’t forget to juice the leaves, which are more nutritious than the stalk, containing more calcium, iron, potassium, and vitamin C.)

This juice recipe should give you enough juice for 3 to 4 days. Its best to drink fresh made juice within 3 to 4 days. I did not recommend drinking juice after 4 days of making it.

Juice has live enzymes and will begin to spoil if left in the refrigerator longer than 4 days. Please use your own judgement regarding the smell, taste, and texture of the juice as it pertains to its spoilage, compare it to when the juice is freshly made.

Note that over the days the color will slightly change, this is normal. Also note it is completely normal for the juice to “separate.” Meaning the chlorophyll will separate from the organic water. I recommend using mason jars or glass jars with a sealed top.

Using organic fruits and vegetables are highly recommended.

This is my go to juice and it tastes delicious. This Green Goddess Juice will have your skin glowing! Below I have listed the benefits of each fruit, vegetable, and herb used to create this juice.

I hope you enjoy my Green Goddess Juice recipe!

Source: An A-Z Guide to Healing Foods A Shopper’s Companion by Elise Marie Collins

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