Why Working Out is Just Like Brushing Your Teeth!

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I do not know about you, but in the past I struggled with being consistent with my workouts. I would be consistent for a month, fall off for 2-3 weeks, than start back working out. I got tired of this yo-yo cycle because I would gain extra pounds and lose the strength I had built.

Until one day, my friend made a simple, yet profound statement, “Working out is necessary, just like brushing our teeth or taking a shower.”

Mind = blown! Lol, that’s it! I just needed to change my mindset about how I viewed working out.

Let’s be honest, motivation can weigh thin after a few weeks or when we reach our goal. So view it as a necessary habit just like brushing our teeth or eating. It takes about 5 minutes to brush our teeth, 15 minutes to shower, 30 minutes to eat, & only 15 – 30 minutes to get a workout in.

Let’s prioritize our health and our waistline!


Your body relies on your lymphatic system to remove waste, like bacteria, viruses, toxins, and abnormal cells that can lead to cancer. And every step you take helps it do its job. That’s because the lymphatic system does not have an organ like the heart to pump fluid around your body. Lymph fluid relies on movement and the contraction of your muscles to make it flow.

The contraction of your muscles becomes the pump that helps the fluid get around your body. Exercise can help the lymphatic system flow more effectively and potentially help prevent infections and other diseases, like cancer.

mdanderson.org article

I don’t know about you guys but I love those benefits listed above! So when I do not feel like working out, I have to remember the health benefits. Plus toned muscles are in!

Take away: Workout! You will look better physically and it necessary to having and maintaining a healthy body.

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