7 Successful Tips to Become “That Girl”

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We have all seen the trendy hashtag #Becomingthatgirl on social media. Over the past few weeks, we have watched women reorganize their closets, refrigerators, wake up early, workout/lose weight, etc. This is a trend that we love to see! Becoming that girl can be life changing for the better.

I fully support women leveling up. Girl achieve those goals and become the best version of yourself!

I’ve experienced a real glow up. If you’ve known me then you know, then you know lol. I used to never dress up, comb my hair, I wasn’t intentionally about putting myself first, and I never would buy myself clothes or any nice items for that matter. Not to mention my self esteem and confidence was at an all time low. I am not exaggerating either! So I will gladly share realistic tips that helped me level up and become that girl.

My definition: becoming that girl means giving intentional attention to every detail about yourself and your life; leveling up, elevating whether it's financially, spiritually, mentally, physically to the ideal woman that you desire to become. 

Tip #1 You have to see her before you can become her

It all starts in your mind. If you can see the vision, believe in it, and work towards it. The vision shall come to life.

What type of woman do you desire to become? What does she look like? How does she dress? What is her career? How does she smell? What type of vehicle does she drive? How does her house look? Is she married? Does she has any kids? Is her life filled with peace and purpose? Every detail matters.

It’s time to have fun now! Set aside 15-30 minutes or longer to day dream. Yes, you read that right. It’s time to day dream. Find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted. While day dreaming of the woman you desire to become, do not limit yourself, let your desires run wild.

After you finish day dreaming, take a moment to write down what you just envisioned. It can be a prayer, a list, or letter, as long as it is written down.

Place what you written in a safe place. You can add to it and read it as often as you need to.

Tip #2 Your Hygiene Matters

Learning how to be intentional and persnickety when taking care of your body, will lay the foundation to becoming more attentive and intentional in other areas of your life.

Make your shower time, your self care time. Allow your shower time to become so detailed and intimate. Create a shower routine; shave on Tuesdays, exfoliate on Wednesdays and Fridays.

  • Things I wish I had known prior to stepping into womanhood:
    • Floss your teeth, use mouthwash
    • Brush your teeth twice a day
    • Dry brush/exfoliate your skin weekly
    • Oil/lotion your body after showers
    • Shave your arms, legs, facial hairs
    • Go get Brazilian waxes
    • Learn how to shape up/arch your eyebrows
    • Do facial masks
    • Learn how to properly clean your vagina and use the proper soap for it
    • Keep your nails and toes clean and presentable
    • Do not leave the house without perfume on
    • Coffee scrubs are your best friend
    • Key limes works better than deodorant (do not use after shaving lol)
    • Natural/clean products are better for long term use
    • Shea butter is one of the best moisturizers
    • Light candles and turn on music while showering
    • Have different soaps; one for moisturizing, one for deep cleaning/stripping dirt and oils from the skin ex. Dr. Bonners Peppermint soap
    • Use vaginal suppositories when your pH balance is off to restore pH balance quickly (of course check with your physician first)
    • After moisturizing your feet, place cotton socks on until your skin has absorbed the moisturizer
    • Ditch towels for exfoliating wash towels
    • Wear cute head wraps for bad hair days

Try different products to find out what best suites your body. Get creative with your routine!

Tip #3 Find Mentors

Find someone who you inspire to be like. Of course you will find/have your own identify; however, this woman may already possess qualities that you desire and she will be able give you tips on how to achieve your goals.

You do not have to actually know your mentor. Your mentor can be someone from online, books, dead or alive. You can have different mentors for different categories; example, you may like one person fashion style, but admire the other person spiritually. Take different things you admire about your mentors and implement those qualities in your life.

If you do not know people in real life, social media is a great tool. Especially, if want to keep your becoming “that girl” journey private. Social media influencers are very transparent about their lives; likewise, they share intimate details about their daily lives, what they eat, who did their hairstyles, what personal products they use, where they purchased their latest outfits from, etc.

Take your time and find the mentors that best fits you and your goals. You can change mentors at any given time.

Tip #4 Keep your home and your personal space clean

Having a clean organized space makes it easier to focus.

Our external environment typically reflects how we are feeling on the inside. Even if you are not in a good space mentally, having a clean home will foster less anxiety. It is so easy to allow your home to become cluttered and unorganized. Become intentional with keeping your home, car, office, place of business clean and organized.

Your home should inspire you. Redecorate, rearrange or purchase new furniture until you feel inspired. To keep stress down when reorganizing and cleaning your home, reorganize/clean a room or certain area in your home week by week. 

Our home is our sanctuary, our place of peace and restoration. Treat it like a million dollar home. After all, a queen does resides in there!

Tip #5 Heal Unresolved Trauma

I recommend healing from childhood or present traumas. Seek professional therapy or self help books and courses.

If you are not truly at peace with yourself and life, looking good on the outside and having accolades will mean nothing. It will be as smoke.

Recovering from addictions and healing from past hurt is more than possible. You are special and you deserve peace and happiness now in your present life.

Tip #6 Workout/Get Your Best Body

Work out, have that surgery, get in your best body!

Invest in trainers, gym memberships, fitness classes and apps. Workout even when you do not want to, develop a workout habit and maintain it. Drink plenty of H20 and put more green veggies on your plate.

If you decide to have surgery, you still have to work out and eat healthy to maintain your new body. Furthermore, invest in a top tier board certified cosmetic surgeon, you are worth having the best doctors and your health is important.

When you look good, you feel good! Being able to fit our clothes comfortably and wear our favorite dress increases our self-esteem.

Tip #7 Always Show Up Overdressed

Always show up as your best self!

Find your style and learn what looks good on your body type. Invest in Spanx, shape wear, bras, and quality clothes. Start taking your clothes that are too big or long to a seamstress. Your clothes should fit properly. I used to love tight fitting clothes. I used think that tight clothes automatically made you sexy, which isn’t true.

If you are not used to dressing up, start practicing at home. Dress up when you go to grocery stores or to run errands. Even if it is workout clothes, make it look presentable. Dressing up will feel weird at first, you will ask if it is necessary, but you will adjust and become accustomed to it.

Find someone who can give you fashion advice or follow someone on social media and learn from them. As I am still learning what my unique style is, my friend has been a fashion police for me, because fashion is an area I am new in.

So take your time and have fun dressing up. If you desire to wear makeup, take a one on one makeup class. Always, always show up overdressed and do not explain why.

These tips has helped me level up tremendously, as I am still applying these tips to my life. My self love and confidence has boosted enormously!

I hope you find use of these tips and implement them in your daily life. Remember transformation takes time, even when you cannot physically see change, keep going. Consistency is key!

I am excited to hear and see your becoming “that girl” journey. Please keep me updated and tag me on Facebook @ DeeDee Blu. Make sure to hashtag #becomingthatgirl #alwaysoverdressed #cocolovesblu.

#1 You have to see her before you become her
#2 Your Hygiene Matters
#3 Find Mentors
#4 Keep your home and personal space clean
#5 Heal Unresolved Trauma
#6 Workout/Get Your Best Body
#7 Always Show Up Overdressed

I love you and wish you the best!

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