Best Self Love Tip: How to Speak Life Over Yourself (Journal Prompts Included)

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You have to encourage yourself! You have to speak life over yourself!

When was the last time you gave yourself a compliment? Have you noticed that it is easier for us to focus on the things we do not like about ourselves versus focusing on the things we admire about ourselves? Self doubt is such a normal part of our routine, that we think that it’s normal. In order for us to see a change in how we view ourselves it starts with how we think and speak about ourselves.

So let’s change that narrative!

Below is a Daily Future-Self Journal that I used to help myself become self aware and focus on creating my future self. As I promised, I would share things I have been doing to assist me on my self love journey. These journal prompts really works!

If you are not familiar with Dr. Nicole LePera, the holistic psychologist, please follow her on Instagram @the.holistic.psychologist. She provides life changing information. The first two journal prompts are her work, check her out!

Step 1: Self Awareness

Perform the Self Awareness journal prompt once a month, preferably the beginning of each month. Start small with behaviors you desire to change about yourself. Be patient and gentle with yourself. Remember transformation takes time!

Daily Future – Self Journal

Write this journal prompt daily for a minimal of 30 days. If you miss a day, just continue the next day. The goal is for you to build a habit of journaling daily. Set aside time each day to journal. Write the Daily Future Self-Journal prompt when you have a clear mind. Do not journal while upset or stress for this particular journal prompt. It is ok and normal for your answers to the daily journal prompts to be similar. According to Dr. Nicole LePera, “Repetition is necessary to form new habits and you will likely not believe your new affirmations at first and may not even believe you feel grateful for the things you list. That’s ok. In time you will find even your deepest held beliefs can change with consistent practice.”


Speak Life Over Yourself – Daily Journal


Journaling + Affirmations = New Beginnings

Speak life over yourself. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Be gentle with yourself! Even when you are frustrated with yourself and begin to self sabotage, rearrange your words.

Things I used to say to myself: "I move so slow, I never finish as quickly as others. Why do I move so slow?" 
Instead I rearranged my thought process/words and said, "I take my time completing projects. I am a very detailed person and that quality has brought me great success. How can I increase my speed, while still being detailed?"

I know it is I’m possible to be positive 24/7. That is not the goal here at all. The goal is to allow the good self talks to out weigh the bad self talks, for you to simply speak more good over your life than bad.

I still have moments of self doubt and self sabotage. What difference has journaling and using affirmations daily made? The negative self talk is 70% less than a year ago and I am able to recognize instantly when I am having a self sabotage moment, as I like to call it. I no longer run from my emotions. I am learning to allow them to come, observe them, but do not internalize them.

When having a self sabotage moment, give yourself 30 minutes maximum too wallow in self pity, but after that you have to move on. What ever the issue is, begin to ask yourself or others how can you improve this particular issue or move forward from it.

I had a recent photoshoot and it was by far my worst shoot. It was almost that time of month, I was bloated. I had been binge eating cheese and ice cream and probably gained 2 to 3 pounds. I am 5'0" or 5'1" on good days, so every pound counts lol. So of course when I seen the pictures, I was not satisfied. "OMG! I look huge!" I cried out to my friend. Who calmly, reminded me not to self sabotage and how far I've came on my fitness journey. (It's important to have supportive friends on this journey with you.) But it was so tempting to self sabotage and talk down on myself. It's the "normal thing" to do when we do not like something about ourselves right? Wrong, we just have been programed to do it. But to no avail I did it anyways, despite my friend's encouragement and positive reinforcement.
Luckily, this time it only lasted about 10 - 15 minutes, before I begin to acknowledge the good that came from the photoshoot. I rearranged my thought process and recognized that I indeed learned a few things from this photoshoot. I learned the importance of knowing your angles, not to wear baggy clothes, and to stop tilting my head back when posing. I also bonded more with my photographer, which allows me to become more comfortable and that equals better pictures. Since noticing the extra weight gain on the pictures, I am now using that as motivation to clean up my diet. Plus, I finally realized that I did get a few good pictures from the photoshoot.

So the main messages I want you to take away from this blog post:

  • Allow the good self talks to out weigh the bad self talks
  • We are human – self pity will occur, just do not get stuck there
  • Writing these journal prompts daily will teach you self awareness
  • Start giving yourself 2 compliments a day
  • Affirmations will allow you to focus on the positive and teach you how to speak life over yourself

These practices have given me a new perspective on how I view myself and life. It has been truly life changing! I know if you commit to using these tools it can do the same for you. Remember repetition establishes new habits.

Each journal prompt worksheet is printable. So download, print, write, & enjoy! Share with friends and family!

I’d love to see you using these journal prompts in your stories! Tag me & I’ll re-share.

Be blessed! I love you!

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